Sleep soundly knowing you’re charging your electric vehicle for less at home overnight with 100% green electricity[1].
This tariff is designed for ScottishPower customers who own an electric car and have a home EV charger and is available through their online account. To be eligible for it, you must have a single rate smart meter that sends half-hourly readings and pay by monthly Direct Debit.
Save money in your sleep with EV Saver
If you’re not a ScottishPower energy customer but would like to take advantage of our electric vehicle energy tariff, then don’t worry. Simply join us on our Standard Variable tariff and once your account is set up you can move to our EV Saver tariff through your online account.
This tariff is designed for ScottishPower customers who own an electric car and have a home EV charger and is available through their online account. To be eligible for it, you must have a single rate smart meter that sends half-hourly readings and pay by monthly Direct Debit.
Charge your EV at a lower rate of 7.2p per kWh between midnight and 5am[2].
Supercharge your sustainability with electricity that's kinder to the planet.
With access to handy energy use graphs in the ScottishPower App.
When it comes to cost efficiency, we found that charging an electric vehicle could be the best option. When we compared a petrol car against a comparable EV model, we found it was £488 cheaper to charge the EV at home with our EV Saver tariff than filling up the petrol car[3].
So, you can say goodbye to paying out at the petrol station or finding a public charge point and enjoy a more environmentally friendly way of fuelling your car.
Our existing Direct Debit customers, and new customers that join on our Standard Variable tariff, can apply for our EV Saver tariff in their online account.
Our electric vehicle tariff depends on half-hourly data provided by single rate smart meters. If you don’t have one, book your smart meter installation today.
You should have a home EV charger for your electric car to take advantage of the cheaper overnight electricity rates. If you don’t have one, we can help.
Are you looking to charge day and night for a lower rate? EV Optimise allows you to smart charge at the greenest and cheapest times, with no time restrictions, for 10p per kWh[4]. Simply set when you need your car charged and how much charge you need in the ScottishPower App. We’ll take care of the rest.
EV Optimise can be added to any ScottishPower tariff free of charge (excluding EV Saver and Heat Saver tariffs).
ScottishPower will match 100% of your electricity consumption to renewable energy generated by the ScottishPower Group by matching every MWh of electricity consumed on this tariff with a Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (REGO) certificate sourced directly from the ScottishPower Group’s own renewables generation. For information on our Fuel Mix, government support and how electricity is physically distributed please visit Fuel Mix here.
These timings are based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). However, during British Summer Time (BST), the time periods will change on selected SMETS1 meters to reflect the new time zone. BST runs from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October. See last FAQ above.
Cost saving is based on a Vauxhall Astra GS 1.2 petrol engine and UK average petrol cost per litre (RAC Fuel Watch March 2025) compared to a Vauxhall Astra GS EV 54kWh charging on the EV Saver May 2026 tariff using the off peak rate (inc. VAT) for 5 hours, the average peak rate (inc. VAT) for 3.5 hours and the average Standing Charge (inc. VAT) paying by Direct Debit (as at 14th March 2025) and a distance of 6,000 miles per year.
All electricity used will be charged at your normal unit rate based on your ScottishPower tariff. The credit for your EV smart charging session will appear as credit on your bill.