Power your heat pump at the cheaper rate of 14p per kWh between 11am and 4pm*, every day. Your heat pump uses heat from the air or ground, better still it’s 100% green electricity^.
Right now, we’re offering our Heat Pump Saver tariff to ScottishPower customers who:
If you’re not a ScottishPower energy customer but would like to take advantage of our Heat Pump Saver tariff, then don’t worry. Simply join us on our Standard Variable tariff and once your account is set up, you can move to our Heat Pump Saver tariff through your online account.
Power your heat pump for just 14p per kWh between 11am and 4pm*, 7 days a week (or an average of 27.164p per kWh† for the remaining hours).
Boost your home’s sustainability with electricity that’s kinder to the planet.
From running your washing machine to heating your oven, benefit from our off-peak rates when using any appliance.
Using more of your energy during our off-peak hours will help to lower your energy costs. Perfect if you work from home or schedule your heat pump to run between 11am and 4pm*.
Our off-peak hours were designed to optimise higher temperatures in the afternoon. Meaning you can maximise your heat pump’s efficiency and enjoy a cosy home and hot water at the end of the day.
Our existing Direct Debit customers, and new customers that join on our Standard Variable tariff can apply for our Heat Pump Saver tariff in their online account.
Our Heat Pump Saver tariff depends on half-hourly data provided by single rate smart meters. If you are a ScottishPower customer and don’t have one, please book your smart meter installation today.
To be eligible for this tariff, you should have a heat pump. If you don’t have one yet, we can help.
*These timings are based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). However, during British Summer Time (BST), the time periods will change on selected SMETS1 meters to reflect the new time zone. BST runs from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October.
^ScottishPower will match 100% of your electricity consumption to renewable energy generated by the ScottishPower Group by matching every MWh of electricity consumed on this tariff with a Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (REGO) certificate sourced directly from the ScottishPower Group’s own renewables generation. For information on our Fuel Mix, government support and how electricity is physically distributed please visit scottishpower.co.uk/fuelmix.
†Based on an average of the Heat Pump Saver tariff peak rate across all PES areas and including VAT.