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How do smart meters work?

How do smart meters work?

Smart meters measure your gas and electricity use in real-time and automatically send this data to us via a secure network called the Data Communications Company. They will come with an In-Home Display (IHD) that shows your energy use and cost, this can help you manage your energy use more efficiently. They can help create more accurate billing based on actual use rather than estimates and helps support a more efficient and reliable energy system.

Why have I just received an email asking me to provide meter readings when I have a smart meter?

This can sometimes occur whilst your account is still being updated with your new smart meter information. Once your account has been updated these requests will stop, and your regular bill will be generated based on readings from your smart meter.

However, there may be times when we are unable to communicate with your smart meter remotely and we may contact you to request manual reads or have to rely on an estimate.

If you require any help reading your smart meter we can help you here.

Why has a meter reader come to my home to take a reading when I have a smart meter?

Sometimes our meter readers may visit your home if your account is still being updated with your new smart meter information. Once your account has been updated, you should no longer expect visits from our meter readers.

However, there may also be times when we are unable to communicate with your smart meter remotely and we may contact you to request manual reads or have to rely on an estimate.

Why have I received an estimated bill when I have a smart meter?

There are two reasons why this can happen:

  • The first bill you receive after the installation of your smart meter may still show estimated meter readings if your bill was created before or around the time your installation. Once our system fully updates with your new smart meter, all future bills should be based on accurate readings supplied to us by your smart meter.
  • Your meter sends us your latest readings through the mobile phone network. If there has been an interruption in the mobile signal and we’ve been unable to obtain an actual reading, then we will need to estimate your bill. This will normally be corrected on your next bill.

How are my smart meter energy use graphs calculated?

Smart meter graphs which are available within the ScottishPower App show your energy use over time. The information displayed will depend on how often your meter supplies us with readings (e.g. monthly, daily, half-hourly). To get the most detailed view of your energy use, it's best to have your smart meter provide us with half-hourly reads. You can change the frequency of readings here.

In the day view, why does only one day have consumption while the rest have none?

This normally happens when you’ve changed your meter read frequency from monthly to daily or half-hourly. Previously we were only receiving a reading from your smart meter(s) once per month and so we would apply your monthly usage on the day that we received your latest reading. From the day that your meter read frequency was updated, you should begin to see a greater level of detail available on your graphs. We are unable to populate historic energy use data from before you updated your read frequency to a great level of detail.

Last updated: 19 November 2024

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