A standing charge is a fixed daily amount added to your overall energy costs, regardless of how much energy you use. Even if your home is empty, or if you’re a Pay As You Go customer who doesn’t use gas over the summer, you’ll still need to pay this charge*. For low energy users, the standing charge can make up a significant portion of the bill.
Your standing charge is like a subscription fee for your energy supply that ensures essential services are maintained. It helps cover a number of costs such as the costs of maintaining the energy network, ensuring electricity and gas can reach your home and meter safety checks.
Ofgem requires all tariffs with standing charges to display the price of gas and or electricity (unit rate) and standing charge separately. This makes it easier to compare different tariffs across the energy market.
The energy price cap is set by Ofgem and updated every three months. It doesn’t set a limit on the unit rate or standing charge a supplier can charge you, but it does set a limit on the overall amount you will pay. For example, you could be on a tariff that has a higher unit rate but a lower standing charge.
Your unit rate and standing charge will vary based on a number of factors, including your payment method, meter type and where you live.
Yes, unless you have a tariff without standing charges, all customers pay a standing charge. This charge is usually included in the total displayed on your smart meter’s In-Home Display, which is why you might see a small amount even when you’ve been out all day or just returned from a holiday.
* Unless you have a tariff without standing charges
Last updated: 3 December 2024