With our EV Saver tariff, you could save money while you sleep by charging at the lower rate of 7.2p per kWh between midnight and 5am*.
Not only that, you’ll also be charging with 100% green electricity**.
Our EV Saver tariff is designed for ScottishPower customers who own an electric car and have a home EV charger. To be eligible for it, you must have a single rate smart meter that sends half-hourly readings and pay by monthly Direct Debit. You can move to it in your online account.
If you are not currently a ScottishPower customer, you can join us on our Standard Variable tariff. Once your account is set up, and you meet the eligibility criteria above, you can move to our EV Saver tariff through your online account.
More information about our EV Saver tariff is available here.
If you don’t yet have a home charger, don’t forget we offer the complete package. Find out more about our home EV chargers.
*These timings are based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). However, during British Summer Time (BST), the time periods will change on selected SMETS1 meters to reflect the new time zone. BST runs from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October. See last FAQ above.
**ScottishPower will match 100% of your electricity consumption to renewable energy generated by the ScottishPower Group by matching every MWh of electricity consumed on this tariff with a Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (REGO) certificate sourced directly from the ScottishPower Group’s own renewables generation. For information on our Fuel Mix, government support and how electricity is physically distributed please visit scottishpower.co.uk/fuelmix.
Last updated: 7 February 2025